Trump Says Dem Obstruction on Border Wall 'Only Politics' — 'I Actually Think It's Bad Politics for Them'
Saturday on Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” President Donald Trump blamed congressional Democrats for the current shutdown based on their opposition to a U.S.-Mexico border wall. Trump called it “bad politics for them,” and said he was still open to the possibility of declaring a “national emergency.” Partial transcript as follows: PIRRO: Is there an emergency at the southern border? Should we not now use the emergency funds and the powers that you have in your possession? TRUMP: So, we have a humanitarian crisis, to put it mildly. People are trying to get in by the tens of thousands. They’re rushing the border. There’s right now in Honduras — a country we pay a lot of money to, I think foolishly because they don’t help us. But right now, you have another caravan forming, and it’s going to be the biggest one yet. We stopped the last one. You see what’s going on in Tijuana. They couldn’t get through because we have a wall there. We got a wall up. The military’s been fantastic, Border Patrol has been incredible, and ICE is, you know, these are brave people that do a great job. And we stopped them. But there’s another big one
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