mark dice, river phoenix

Mark Dice is River Phoenix (2022) Update, Anyone Who Says Otherwise After Looking At The Evidence is an Idiot

mark dice, river phoenix

In 2012 I discovered Mark Dice was actually the late Hollywood Actor River Phoenix. While investigating claims Alex Jones was Bill Hicks.

It might sound crazy at first, to think Celebrities would fake their deaths and become Right-Wing Talking heads.

But I discovered a trend, a trend where some sort of Right-Wing Faction were recruiting actors who wanted out of Leftest Hollywood.

The trend goes way back, the original Godfather (as of now) Rush Limbaugh, who from my research and work was Jim Morrison. BTW I’m responsible for all of these “Conspiracy Theories.” So you can call me the “God Father” on this, over 10 years now researching. So yeah, I’m going to sound like a bit of a narcissist. But I think I know what I’m talking about at this point.

People who think Mark Dice is just some youtuber and this conspiracy is nuts. Need to really look at the factual evidence. Mark Dice didn’t start off as a youtuber. He got his start as far back as 2005 and was promoted by another Death Faker Alex Jones. Mark Dice, who went by the name John Connor of The Resistance Manifesto. Was even plugged by ABC’s The View around the time. He was positioned to be a leader in the 9/11 Truth Movement, which now has expanded to all sorts of topics.

Mark Dice has let it be known he hates and despises Hollywood. Just go to his youtube channel, type in Hollywood. Many videos of him bashing Hollywood will popup (Easily over 200.) He has also written many books about Hollywood. Putting it right in everyone’s faces, but for the ones who know who he really is. Understand his vendetta towards Hollywood.

But wait! “RiVeR pHoEnIx WaS jUsT 5’10 MaRk DiCe Is TaLlEr”

You have lots to learn about faking ones death, if you’re using that excuse.

Here is a how to, how fake evidence is planted. Such as yearbook photos, how surgery is performed and so on.

Still using the, Mark Dice is taller he can’t be River Phoenix line?

The Hardcore Forensic Evidence

Ridges are sometimes added to the nose to dramatically throw off ones former appearance

A Perfect Example of how this changes a person’s appearance, is Dirty Dancing Star Jennifer Grey.

Dirty Dancing Star Jennifer Grey Had The Ridge on Her Nose Taken Off, This Created Another Person & Her Hollywood Career Came Crashing Down

Dirty Dancing star Jennifer Grey’s Hollywood dreams were shattered after a “nose job from hell” changed her appearance so drastically, she looked nothing like her former self. The 1980s star’s promising career ground to a complete halt overnight in the early 1990s because suddenly nobody recognized her – and even friends would blank her when she bumped into them.

She says, “I went in the operating theatre a celebrity – and come out anonymous. It was like being in a witness protection program or being invisible. I remember going to a restaurant where I had been going for years. I ran into people I knew and would say, ‘Hey.’ Nothing. I’ll always be this once-famous actress nobody recognizes… because of a nose job.

Same Nips, same belly button, same body hair

Same Moles (DUH, Same Person) You get the point, you are welcome to google search images of River Phoenix yourself. These are not edited in anyway.

Left Ear Mole

Right Ear Mole, this one is a bump. Now how can that be? Coincidence? Nope, same person. It’s impossible to have the same prominent moles in the same location and not be the same person.

Chin mole, pigment removed. But the bump is still there. I recommend watching any Mark Dice video and seeing it in real time. As you will see its not just a light spot in a photo.

So he hates Hollywood, has the same exact prominent moles as River Phoenix. Not the same person? Yeah ok, sure. You’re an idiot at this point if you think otherwise. Sorry not sorry 🙂

He did it all, ears, nose, height etc

Same Hands, Same Hand Writing.

Oh even the same eyes? *Sarcasm

Look, I’ve been doxed, harassed, stalked etc For creating and researching these claims. I can care less if you believe it or not. But many people do and I sure believe it.

Mark Dice matching up exactly with River Phoenix is like hitting the lotto 3 times in a row.

It’s just not a coincidence, it’s the same person.

Anyone say teeth?

NEW YORK CITY – FEBRUARY 19: Actor River Phoenix attends PETA’s “Rock Against Fur” Concert on February 19, 1989 at The Palladium in New York City. (Photo by Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY – FEBRUARY 19: Actor River Phoenix attends PETA’s “Rock Against Fur” Concert on February 19, 1989 at The Palladium in New York City. (Photo by Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY – FEBRUARY 19: Actor River Phoenix attends PETA’s “Rock Against Fur” Concert on February 19, 1989 at The Palladium in New York City. (Photo by Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)



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