Tillerson: No Division Between America First Agenda, Globalists in Trump’s Afghanistan Strategy

On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said President Donald Trump’s strategy in Afghanistan was not a division between his “America first” agenda and favoring a more globalist viewpoint. Partial transcript as follows: WALLACE: What you make of this division between America first and so-called “globalist”? TILLERSON: I don’t see any division. I think it’s a question of tactics and how you achieve those objectives. I think the president has been clear in his speech in Afghanistan that we are not undertaking nation-building. We will be shifting our diplomatic and aid in development as well to coincide with the present fear that the Afghan government and that Afghan people must own their form of government and they must come to reconciliation with all ethnic groups including the Taliban. A peaceful country who does not support terrorism does not provide safe havens are terrorist and does not align itself with any terrorist organizations or countries that do. That’s what winning looks like. Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

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