Krauthammer: Dispute Between POTUS, Mueller, and Congress Could be A ‘Threat’ to ‘Constitutional Stability’

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” columnist Charles Krauthammer stated that there could end up being a crisis if the president, Congress, and the judiciary end up at an impasse over Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Krauthammer stated that two Senate bills designed to protect Mueller are why “Tonight’s news is not just a threat to Trump and his entourage, but it is to, I think, constitutional stability. The president has said that he’s got a red line. If they want to go on a fishing expedition that is unrelated, essentially, to the Russia probe, that’s where he draws the line. Now, he didn’t say what he would do, but you know what he would have in mind. When you get members of his own party in the Senate trying to pass laws, probably unconstitutional, to restrict his ability to fire Mueller, you know that we are possibly headed to a cliff. ” He added, “Look, the problem with special prosecutors is, you assemble of…the best of the best in search of a crime. Normally, you have a crime, and then the prosecutors go out and try to prove it. With a special prosecutor, you start with

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