House Conservatives Demand Border Security, Pledge to Back Trump Border Wall Funding

House conservatives went all-in with promises to back border wall funding as they pressed for President Donald Trump to secure the border on the day the President is visiting the Yuma U.S. Customs and Border Protection station and holding a campaign-style rally in Phoenix. Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows stated: The President’s visit to Yuma, Arizona will be a critical step in highlighting the needs of our border patrol operations and evaluating the challenges they face in keeping our country safe. I applaud President Trump for his leadership on this issue and for his relentless commitment to keeping a promise that was central to his campaign. Congress would do well to join the President and follow through on our own promises by including funding for a border wall in upcoming spending bills–anything less will show that we are not serious about keeping our word to the American people. Rep. Dave Brat said in support of securing the U.S. southern border: The American people placed their trust in the President and Republicans in Congress last November with the expectation that we would finally take action to secure the border. Our country is the melting pot of the world and I support

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