Cavuto: Trump 'Creating' 'Moral Bust'
On Thursday’s edition of the Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” host Neil Cavuto responded to President Trump saying that if he’s impeached, the market will crash, by stating that the president is so focused on a financial boom that he misses that he is “creating this moral bust.” Cavuto said, “What the president is saying is, we’re all making gravy, so why stop the train? Well, I don’t know. Maybe because the train could be resting on shaky tracks, or the conductor of that train has said and done some shaky things, or at least said some inconsistent things. Look, good times should never be used to ignore bad things. I’m not saying unconstitutional things or even illegal things, but enough things to give pause. Yes, even in the face of a market rally that does not. Making money should never get in the way of simply getting answers, not answers that topple a government, maybe just clarify it, or force the government to clarify itself. That’s all.” He continued, “All I’m saying is, you don’t prevent a constitutional crisis by threatening a financial one. Mr. President, you guarantee both when your very actions and words create that crisis or make
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