Brzezinski: Trump ‘Using Our Country’s National Security as a Way to Deflect from His Personal Problems’
On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Mika Brzezinski stated President Trump is “using our country’s national security as a way to deflect from his personal problems, or his personal anger.” Brzezinski said, “[T]hese tweets, as some Republicans who sort of try to mitigate or defend Donald Trump’s tweets by saying they don’t listen to them, that’s impossible at this point. These tweets are being used to deflect whatever it is that is making him upset at the moment. That is a pattern that backs up a fact, in my opinion. And right now, he’s using our country’s national security as a way to deflect from his personal problems, or his personal anger. And I, at this point, if I — I don’t imagine how Secretary Mattis can wake up to a tweet like that that he did not expect, and be able to continue to do his job, without demanding that the president put the phone down and never tweet again or he is walking.” (h/t Grabien) Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett
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