NARAL: Comparing Abortion to Slavery ‘Shameful & Vile’

The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) has reacted fiercely to recent parallels drawn between abortion and slavery, calling the comparison “shameful & vile.” NARAL’s tweet Sunday that abortion “is a basic human right—not slavery” and slamming comparisons between the two institutions came in reaction to a Huffington Post article attacking Judge John K. Bush, newly appointed to the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, who has compared abortion to slavery. African pro-life activist Obianuju Ekeocha retweeted the NARAL message, saying she wanted to preserve the comment for posterity, “so that one day long after we are dead, there will be records of the inhumane sentiments that held up abortion.” I’m leaving this comment here so that one day long after we are dead, there will be records of the inhumane sentiments that held up abortion — Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju) August 5, 2017 Abortion, like slavery in America, targets the black community in a particular way, and has been decried by countless black leaders as racist in its very roots. Earlier this year, former presidential candidate Alan Keyes called abortion “more evil than slavery,” arguing that many Americans today hold the same underlying prejudices that made slavery possible in

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