EXCLUSIVE: New Brett Kavanaugh Accuser Julie Swetnick’s, Screen Handles, 1 Star Reviews of Local Businesses, Resume + More.
Update: The NYTIMES had to report on the findings of Caliberhitting.com, citing that a “Resume” of hers was posted online. They did not give credit to this site
According to the NYT “Ms. Swetnick grew up in Montgomery County, Md., graduating from Gaithersburg High School in 1980 before attending college at the University of Maryland, according to a résumé for her posted online. Judge Kavanaugh graduated from Georgetown Prep in 1983.”
Caliberhitting.com did some digging around and found links of new Brett Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick. What does this mean? Doesn’t mean much, but with this new PUBLIC information that was uncovered. People can start digging around and make up their own conclusions about this person. (Public Figure)
Link to Resume via google drive, copy and paste. Caliberhitting.com is not responsible for what you do with this information that is already available to the PUBLIC. Caliberhitting.com is just giving you an avenue on how to look for it.
UPDATE: People have started to Dig
By her own resume, Julie Swetnick graduated 3 years prior to Kavanaugh and went to a 2-year community college for six years. Timeline meant for two years, she supposedly went to high school rape parties while in college. Odd.#ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh #ConfirmKavanaughNow
— James D. Best (@jdbest) September 26, 2018
Julie Swetnick’s resume says she graduated from HS in 1980. So, if she was coming back to HS for gang bangs and had sex with Kavanaugh, she was having sex with a minor, and therefore is the one who did the raping. https://t.co/I110NbP7s0
— Patriot (@Patriot_17) September 26, 2018
Julie Swetnick graduated HS in 1980, yet she’s going to HS “rape parties” as late as 1983? Snip from her resume. pic.twitter.com/pQ9aqBFDP0— Bill Crowell ❌🇺🇸🇸🇰 (@n4hpg) September 26, 2018
Swetnick’s resume says she graduated HS in 1980.Why is a 19-21 year old hanging out with HS kids in 80-83 and not reporting sexual assault at those parties? Because it never happened! Read between the legalese folks, that was a carefully crafted letter to avoid perjury charges.
— Humaa Abedin (@HRCs_bitch) September 26, 2018
An adult college woman partying w high school boys?
According to the NYT “Swetnick grew up in Montgomery County, Md., graduating from Gaithersburg High School in 1980 before attending college at the U of Maryland, according to a résumé posted online. Kavanaugh graduated in 1983
— StellaBasham (@Stella_Basham1) September 26, 2018
Odd. I wonder how many of you went to high school parties repeatedly after you were in college? I’m pretty sure it’s safe to speak for me and my friends that the number hovers around 0. https://t.co/EY3GnjaDDk
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 26, 2018
UPDATE: Julie Swetnick Was Sued for Defamation in 2000 for a Company She Worked For
Look at that: Julie Swetnick was sued in the year 2000 for DEFAMATION in the state of Oregonhttps://t.co/qcEyIUqaq5 pic.twitter.com/nMPuY3g8gd
— Eric Demamp (@ericdemamp) September 26, 2018
— Eric Demamp (@ericdemamp) September 26, 2018
Julie Swetnick sued for defamation of character pic.twitter.com/1eVTvkxBrD
— MostlyInfamous (@flshfldhvyreign) September 26, 2018
Whaddaya know, #JulieSwetnick was sued for defamation in 2000.
Let’s go for round two! Confirm #Kavanaugh Senator Jeff Flake and Lisa Murkowski
Call your senators and demand these disgusting attacks stop and to confirm the judge! 202-224-3121 pic.twitter.com/vzmqvUfGYq— DG_PATRIOT❌ (@AtomicRooster62) September 26, 2018
— Matthew C. Billips (@Matt_Billips) September 26, 2018
Big League Politics has obtained court documents from multiple cases against Swetnick
She’s been sued for:
Domestic Abuse & Defamation
She also has a tax lien against her house.
SEE IT ALL HERE: https://t.co/ZaO95Xpt19
— Big League Politics (@bigleaguepol) September 26, 2018