EXCLUSIVE: New Brett Kavanaugh Accuser Julie Swetnick’s, Screen Handles, 1 Star Reviews of Local Businesses, Resume + More.

Julie Swetnick Courtesy of Twitter.com


Update: The NYTIMES had to report on the findings of Caliberhitting.com, citing that a “Resume” of hers was posted online. They did not give credit to this site

According to the NYT “Ms. Swetnick grew up in Montgomery County, Md., graduating from Gaithersburg High School in 1980 before attending college at the University of Maryland, according to a résumé for her posted online. Judge Kavanaugh graduated from Georgetown Prep in 1983.”

Caliberhitting.com did some digging around and found links of new Brett Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick. What does this mean? Doesn’t mean much, but with this new PUBLIC information that was uncovered. People can start digging around and make up their own conclusions about this person. (Public Figure)





Link to Resume via google drive, copy and paste. Caliberhitting.com is not responsible for what you do with this information that is already available to the PUBLIC. Caliberhitting.com is just giving you an avenue on how to look for it.

UPDATE: People have started to Dig

UPDATE: Julie Swetnick Was Sued for Defamation in 2000 for a Company She Worked For

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